Best quotes "Big Sexy" Kevina Nasha

W tym miejscu będę zamieszczać najciekawsze quotesy(czyli cytaty z wypowiedzi Kevina Nasha). Ponieważ ufam Waszej inteligencji będą one zamieszczane tylko w oryginalnej formie po angielsku, ale jeśli taka będzie Wasza wola, to zostaną przetłumaczone na nasz language. Well, let's run it....


"I got tired of covering all the GRAY!"- podczas programu Tonight Show with Jay Leno


"I'm coming at you with a blowtorch! and your kindgom...soon..Armageddon!"


"I'm the $hit, and you know it." - na Wrestlrmanii XII


"Vader says it's Vader time, well, the last time I looked at my watch it was Big Daddy Cool time."


"Nash: I'm a part of the cliq, isn't everyone?

Hennig: I'm not.

Nash: Yeah, me neither."


"I think everybody knows that Diesel is the baddest mother....TRUCKER--can I say that--in the business."


"I'm out in the ring, Shawn Michaels turns to me and says, "Hey, I got a couple of vertebrae out. Would you mind puttin 'em in with that chair?" He turns his back, I whack him and all of a sudden I'm a bad guy."- Nash jeszcze jako Diesel po uderzeniu HBK krzesłem podczas house show w MSG


"Big Daddy Cool is back!"


"Hey Bischoff, you get a couple frequent flier miles for that last ride there?" - po wyrzuceniu Bischoffa Jackknifem na stół podczas GAB


"You can keep that spot, Quasimoto, because I'm content being, 6'11", sexy, and just 2 suhweeeeeet!"


"The only reason the Steiners have Dibiase with them is to help read the menus when they're on the road."


"So this is where the big boys play huh? Look at the adjective, play. We aren't here to play."


Promo after 1998's Souled out(paraphrased. "I'm the true giant...fe fi fo fum, Nash dropped me on my big fat drum..they say my act against the giant, was malicious, an act of malice (giant "trying to")...they're absolutely right. (giant in the background) I may never wrestle again. (Nash laughs). That's why now, I'm known as Big Sexy, the Giant killer."


"Bite me!"


"I'm too big, too talented, too sexy, and just 2 ssswweett!"


"In my best, David Copperfield." Nash motions his hand over his head. "Nobody's pulling my strings."


"there may be one or many waiting to stab you in the back, you don't have to worry about me, I'll shoot you right between the eyes!"


"Attica! Attica! Attica!"


"Goldberg, cut down on the caffeine."


"I'm next!"- podczas wywiadu przed pojedynkiem z Goldbergiem na Starrcade


"You(Wrestlerzy WCW) only breathe because I allow it!"


"You need a tag partner...I'll be your huckleberry."- Nash zgadzający się być partnerem Halla ponownie


"I just lost my best friend because I don't even know who you are any more."


"...I'll just have to beat some sense into him.."(o Hallu)


"If you're the boss, our leader, why doesn't my buddy Syxx have a job here anymore?"


"Whether you like it or not, I'm next!"


"Big Sexy just made this a three way dance!"


"Hogan, you talk about my skinny legs, well they ain't all skinny"


"Hogan, you say I owe you money...well you can find it in a swiss bank account..down there!"


"..some of you may not know this, but at one time, I was champ...ohhh yeah.."- przed pojedynkiem z Goldbergiem


"If you're not running with the 'pac, consider yourself hunted by the 'pac!"


" I tried to be a nice guy.... and I stuck him (Giant) on his skull!!!"


"OH!!!! LOOK AT THE CLOWNS!!!!!!" (Hall i Nash wśród publiczności na jednym z Nitro w 96 roku jeszcze przed nWo)


" Is it just me.... or am I looking incredibly sexy tonight?"


"Hey, we (Hall & Nash) bought tickets. We came to see the 'BIG BOYS'!!!!"


"If I beat Sting tonight for the World Heavy Weight tiltle, I will not share it with NWO Godfather, Hollywood Hogan."


" You're lucky I got these flip flops on, cause boy I'd give you a beatin'!!" (spring Break 98 na Nitro)


"Can you say deja vu?"


"If you put any wrestler on your body this year, you should most definitely put Big Sexy across your chest."-commercial


"You bring your crew, I'll bring my crew and we can rendevouz"


"If this is orange and white country, why is everyone wearing red and black?"


"To quote my most favorite poet, Jim Morrison, it's time for you to break on through to the other side."-do Stinga


"I know the music's sweet, but we got to cut it for a minute."


"Wolfpac in da houuuuuuuuuuuuse"


"Yo yo yo...let me speak on this...Oil of Olay!!"


"Eat your heart out,Sable"


We're going to the top, Scotty, the very top (in his British accent)


Hey Steiner, I don't think that was a complete stop there, ya jabrone (po pogoni samochodowej w 1998)


Lex Luger, we do not like you....I'm so sick of this guy...damn premadonna


You know, I saw the Faces of Fear warming up in the back giving each other a poybath


Hey, how about a buy all you guys a donut, eh? Hahahaha (po tym, jak nWo zdemolowało kilku jobberów)


Hey WCW, where's your 3 guys? What, you couldn't get 3 guys off dialysis machines to make a team?


Where's Hogan, out doing another episode of Blunder in Paradise?


Hey Mean Gene, I'm looking for the Macho Man? Is he doing another stupid Slim Jim commercial again


I haven't seen this many black and white t-shirts since that 1978 Foghat concert


You know, I could look like that (referring to Luger), but I'd have to give up too many things I enjoy in life...


You know, everyday I see Hollywood it just makes me smile


The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire..(mamrocze) ehhh, I forget how it goes


We've taken over your show, we've taken over your do ya feel for god's sake?


Get lost Flair. I'm so sick of seeing Horsemen merchandise, nobody's buying 'em, so quit showing 'em


You know, I don't get this whole love triangle between Woman, the Taskmaster and Benoit. If it was me, I'd say thanks


Honey, the money's on the dresser and I'll talk to ya later, it'd be over with (w odpowiedzi na wyzwanie na pojedynek Reya Mysterio) You must have had too many bedtime stories read to you about "the Little Train That Could....I think I can...I think I can". Si accepto, little man


Hey Rey, why don't I do a little autopsy tonight...I'll see what you got


Us, the Outsiders, we'll just continue being, Tooooooooo Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!


Wrath, where's your sword my son?


Hey Macho Man, why are the pages in that (Playboy) magazine so stuck together? (LOL- SPoP)


Welcome fans, to the nWo arena


Hey Ted, was it wrong for us to run over Hugh Morrus with my motorcycle, even though he deserved it?


Giant, Hollywood's gonna reel you in like a 900 pound tuna


That dummy Giant looks like the guy who spent a little too much time at the keg at the Labor Day party

dummy Giant, hu hu hu hu


I like Lex Luger so much I'd like to bash him in the side of the head with a chair


Hey dogface (do Ricka Steinera)


ECW? Who? Who? Anybody got 3 bucks on 'em? And the sweet thing is, you could play bingo too!!!


Hey Dillon, BITE ME!!!!


I think Sting just said you've got terrible hair, try conditioner


DDP, now yer gonna get it you thick-headed goof


Nice to see ya Count Schiavone....Hey Larry, nice suit you got on-you get a cup of soup with that?


Lucky for you Giant that Kevin Nash is the 1998 Spring Break Cannon Ball Champion


We are a non-discriminatory punking organization


All I know is, I'm losing consciousness as I hit the mat. I'm not going to die in 21 days like Bruce Lee, am I Hollywood?(o swojej "porażce" 4 stycznia 1999r. z Hoganem)


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